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dondola cradle For Your Reading Pleasure
Accentuate Positive Choices And Get Rid Of Debt
It is a known fact that many people wake up every day in fear and this is entirely because of the debts they have accumulated for whatever reason. It is also a fact that there are people who 'righteously' condemn these people for being in debt giving the reason that they deserve their fate for being greedy in borrowing when they could not afford to. Many of these critical people have been very fortunate in their own lives by being protected with financial abundance and have no idea what it is like to have to live with a lack of money. Sometimes their views are correct but more often the reasons lie elsewhere.
Here are just five of the major reasons why people get into debt through no fault of their own:
Illness - the small print on the insurance policy meant they could not claim!
Redundancy - after many years, suddenly the company closed with no payout!
Divorce - mental anguish of the breakdown of your marriage!
Spending habits - your partner cannot control their spending!
Recession - constant increasing high interest rates and unable to fund them!
One of the implications of dealing with the challenge of debt is that your health suffers in many ways because of living with the continual fear of debt problems. This is reflected both mentally and physically, and can cause critical major illnesses, silently. You may wake up one morning to find symptoms which need immediate medical care and all because of the stress.
Eating the correct foods to maintain a healthy body and mind costs money. Money, which you try desperately not to spend. You need to eat foods which will ensure that your mental and physical body is capable of dealing with everything you have to cope with. Yet, spending money is the only thing you have control of when you are trying so hard to budget. It then becomes a vicious circle - in that you are not in a financial position to look after yourself as you should and yet, you cannot afford not to!
Fortunately, there is another way of dealing with the life you are living when you are in debt. First of all, you have to accept that you always have a choice as to how you are going to deal with your debt. Are you going to sit and dwell on your never ending debt challenge or are you going to accentuate positive goals to inspire yourself to achieve what you want in life? All you have to do is to accentuate positive goals and note these goals in a special notebook which you can use regularly to keep the inspiration alive. Simply, create a list of what you want in your life, making sure that you have large goals and small goals listed. You use the smaller goals as steps to get to your larger goals. If you accentuate positive goals on a regular basis, you will easily achieve your goals. In fact, you will wonder why you had not done this simple task earlier when you could have saved yourself a lot of anguish.
Sometimes it is comforting to find yourself a place of tranquillity where you can find the peace to be inspired. You may find a quiet walk alone by the beach, a walk in the countryside, a special park, an art gallery or anywhere peaceful where you are able to accentuate positive thoughts without the distraction of other people, noise or unattractive surroundings.
Many very prominent and successful people have gone from financial despair to financial freedom at some point in their lives and by reading their autobiographies, you will be inspired to know that if they could achieve so much, even though they once had nothing, then you can too! You will find these books in your local library, so you do not even have to buy them. Also if they are not available at your branch, they will order a copy for you!
What is the first thing you should do? The answer is - take one step of action. Everything starts with just one step. We are all surrounded by items which were once just a thought, until someone took the first step to put it into being. The day you start to accentuate positive goals for yourself and put them into action, is the day that you will have taken control of your debt challenge and moved into positive goal challenges.
Aine Callan
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