Modern track lighting has come a long way as it can now be placed on walls instead of just ceilings. The use of monorail and cable has really revolutionized track lighting.
Before the advent of contemporary track systems, people were very restricted as to how and where they could place their light fixtures. There was a time when dining room lights were in the center of the room and that was where they had to stay. Or they were put on a swag hook and hung from the ceiling.
Place Your Lighting Anywhere You Want
Now, with new modern system, you can place the light wherever you want regardless of where the original fixture is positioned.
Track lighting offers other advantages - it delivers electricity exactly where you want it and it is very attractive as well. There is no doubt that it is becoming even more flexible and even more cost efficient - the bulbs are getting smaller while the lights are getting brighter.
The appeal of the newer systems is much more visual - it is thinner, and with the newer monorail designs they now come in various configurations: straight or flexible tracks, cable systems as well ribbon-style arrangements.
More Choice and Variety in Illumination
Basically, now there is a whole lot more track lighting to choose from. There is also the more modern development of low voltage systems which allows for more elite, smaller, and unique fixtures that are quite often more appealing.
Fixture styles can vary from a metal futuristic appeal to a glass pendant fixture. There are ready made tracks that are shaped in many different ways such as zig zag, curvy, or wavy. There are also flexible tracks that can be bent by hand to shape in the way that you want.
Brighter Kitchen
Installing the right lights makes a room look beautiful and offers improved function. The modern method is an excellent idea in the kitchen and should certainly be considered if you are renovating.
Task and accent lighting becomes complete with the latest innovations. Any pantry, cabinet, kitchen island, drawer or closet can be illuminated. These modern tracks really accentuate any kitchen.
Lighting in the Bathroom
This system works out great in the bathroom as well. You can apply low lights when you are relaxing in the tub or you can apply brighter ones when you are applying make up.
The decorating ideas are endless when it comes to track lighting as you can choose from thousands of various fixtures to match your d?cor.
Track Lighting Should not be Used By Itself
One thing about the track system is that it should not be used as the sole light provider in the room, because they do not offer enough light for that purpose. The pendant fixtures work well for less shadowing.
If you are placing the tracks on the walls rather than the ceiling then you should situate them about every two or three feet, which allows light to wash across the whole wall area.
Using tracks is so flexible that as you move your furniture around you can also adjust the lighting. Modern track lighting is the perfect way to spruce up any room.
Featured kolcraft bassinet Items Catalina Bunk Bed
Catalina Bunk Bed. Color is the one element that can create excitement and make an individual statement. Choose from our palette of fresh colors to design the room of your child's dreams. Select any one of the variety of colors offered and enter in the space reserved for comments. Storage solutions are one of the most important considerations for your child's room. Sturdily constructed from the finest wood for many years of use and pleasure. Custom made, special order. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Price: 1250.00
Nulco Alpine Bath Bar
Nulco Alpine Bath Bar. Beauty and function combine to provide excellent light diffusion from mouth-blown, acid-etched swirl glass shades. Polished brass finish. Has 2 Edison lamps-100W maximum.
Price: 185.00
Framed High Society Artwork Print
Framed High Society Artwork Print. Part of our My Favorite Things Series, this print is a size that easily lends itself to displaying one, two, or several pictures, depending entirely on the size of the space and the look to be achieved. The 4" wide frame is slightly off-white and gently distressed, giving it a look that will coordinate with most decor. It is framed using acrylic instead of glass to prevent breakage and fading, and has a wire hanger.
Price: 127.00
Lugano Journal
Lugano Journal. Lined with decorative cover.
Price: 39.00
Wine Holder
Set Of Four Rectangular Single Bottle Wine Holder With Wire Handles and Dark Brown Finish
Price: 61.00
kolcraft bassinet in the news Kolcraft Play Yards Recalled After Baby Dies
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:00:00 GMT
Kolcraft Enterprises Inc. is voluntarily recalling about 425,000 infant play yards following the death of a child.
Play Yards Recalled After 10-Month-Old Dies
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 07:00:00 GMT
Kolcraft Enterprises Inc. is voluntarily recalling about 425,000 infant play yards following the death of a child.
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RocketNews organizes all stories into categories like sports and entertainment and into subjects making it easy for users to find and connect to the issues and stories that interest them.
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All's well, that ends well. We have now come to the ending of dondola cradle. Until we meet again, adios.
dondola cradle For Your Reading PleasureAccentuate Positive Choices And Get Rid Of Debt
It is a known fact that many people wake up every day in fear and this is entirely because of the debts they have accumulated for whatever reason. It is also a fact that there are people who 'righteously' condemn these people for being in debt giving the reason that they deserve their fate for being greedy in borrowing when they could not afford to. Many of these critical people have been very fortunate in their own lives by being protected with financial abundance and have no idea what it is like to have to live with a lack of money. Sometimes their views are correct but more often the reasons lie elsewhere. Here are just five of the major reasons why people get into debt through no fault of their own: Illness - the small print on the insurance policy meant they could not claim! Redundancy - after many years, suddenly the company closed with no payout! Divorce - mental anguish of the breakdown of your marriage! Spending habits - your partner cannot control their spending! Recession - constant increasing high interest rates and unable to fund them! One of the implications of dealing with the challenge of debt is that your health suffers in many ways because of living with the continual fear of debt problems. This is reflected both mentally and physically, and can cause critical major illnesses, silently. You may wake up one morning to find symptoms which need immediate medical care and all because of the stress. Eating the correct foods to maintain a healthy body and mind costs money. Money, which you try desperately not to spend. You need to eat foods which will ensure that your mental and physical body is capable of dealing with everything you have to cope with. Yet, spending money is the only thing you have control of when you are trying so hard to budget. It then becomes a vicious circle - in that you are not in a financial position to look after yourself as you should and yet, you cannot afford not to! Fortunately, there is another way of dealing with the life you are living when you are in debt. First of all, you have to accept that you always have a choice as to how you are going to deal with your debt. Are you going to sit and dwell on your never ending debt challenge or are you going to accentuate positive goals to inspire yourself to achieve what you want in life? All you have to do is to accentuate positive goals and note these goals in a special notebook which you can use regularly to keep the inspiration alive. Simply, create a list of what you want in your life, making sure that you have large goals and small goals listed. You use the smaller goals as steps to get to your larger goals. If you accentuate positive goals on a regular basis, you will easily achieve your goals. In fact, you will wonder why you had not done this simple task earlier when you could have saved yourself a lot of anguish. Sometimes it is comforting to find yourself a place of tranquillity where you can find the peace to be inspired. You may find a quiet walk alone by the beach, a walk in the countryside, a special park, an art gallery or anywhere peaceful where you are able to accentuate positive thoughts without the distraction of other people, noise or unattractive surroundings. Many very prominent and successful people have gone from financial despair to financial freedom at some point in their lives and by reading their autobiographies, you will be inspired to know that if they could achieve so much, even though they once had nothing, then you can too! You will find these books in your local library, so you do not even have to buy them. Also if they are not available at your branch, they will order a copy for you! What is the first thing you should do? The answer is - take one step of action. Everything starts with just one step. We are all surrounded by items which were once just a thought, until someone took the first step to put it into being. The day you start to accentuate positive goals for yourself and put them into action, is the day that you will have taken control of your debt challenge and moved into positive goal challenges. Aine Callan
A victim of 1990's recession, she understand only too well what others are going through when in debt and has used her experience to write - How To Be Happy In Debt. | |
dondola cradle Items For Viewing
Classical Settee
Unique charm and noble qualities combine to produce this priceless furniture piece. Enhance the dcor of any setting with its fine lines and attention to detail.
Price: 779.00
Palladian Collection Curio
A unique look in which you can proudly display your collections.
Price: 1212.00
Tennessee Titans Helmet Photo Wall Clock
Tennessee Titans Helmet Photo Wall Clock. Featuring National Football League Officially Licensed Photo Of Tennessee Titans Helmet. Laminated On A Beautiful Designed Wood Frame With Built In Hanger. Requires One ''AA'' Battery.This Wall Clock Is A Great Gift For Sports Fans And Collectors.
Price: 39.00
Name Your Own Baby Doll
Satisfy your collector's spirit with this delightful little doll. A "must have"!
Price: 137.00
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Labels: toy keyboard | bathroom accesories | kitchen clock
There is significant matter enclosed in this article about antique bassinet for you to understand antique bassinet better. Use it to it's best.
Another Great antique bassinet ArticleHimalayan Bowls - antique singing bowls for personal well-being
Authentic antique singing bowls are like old friends: each bowl has unique qualities we can appreciate and we bring out the best in each bowl. Tibetan singing bowls play with a great deal of variety and there is much to discover in each of these marvelous bells. You will hear many different tones and qualities in each bowl depending on how you play it and even on how you feel when you play it. If you tap a bowl delicately you will get a very different tone than when you strike it wildly. Each singing bowl is a unique creation so each also has subtle individual characteristics. Each high quality antique singing bowl offered by Himalayan Bowls is a joy to play and to hear.
High quality antique singing bowls produce multiple harmonic overtones. Multiple harmonic overtones give antique singing bowls their unique complexity and warmth. In essence, the harmonics make them sing. Every bowl from is individually hand chosen so you are guaranteed a bowl with the perfectly balanced harmonics for a pleasing and harmonious tone. I handle thousands of bowls and choose only those that meet my rigorous standards of tonal balance. I have helped people around the world choose bowls for meditation, healing, professional use, personal enjoyment and musical composition.
Each type of bowl produces a characteristic tone. By listening to the sound clips provided in our galleries you can quickly get a sense of your personal preferences. Do you prefer a deep tone or a high tone? Do you like the warmth of a medium bowl or the sharpness of a small thick bowl? Some of us love them all and end up with a large collection (that's how I started Himalayan Bowls).
Choosing singing bowls starts with listening to yourself. Follow your personal preferences rather than any preconceived ideas you may have heard or read on the web. Theories about specific musical tones, planetary tones or chakra tones are misleading and oversimplified. Himalayan Bowls produce several tones at once, so there is no single magic tone - you are getting many frequencies all together. The complexity of the sound defies simple categorization. It would be nice if we could have one note for a specific purpose, like one tone for the heart, but life is much more complex than that.
My personal favorite, from my large personal collection, is an 18th century bowl which is very special to me. She loves to sing with the full moon. Other people may find this bowl unassuming and unremarkable. It is very special to me because of the way it resonates with me. The vibration of this bowl touches me in a way that helps me to hear my own inner song. At the same time, it quiets and calms me. This is the power of singing bowls: to help us get in touch with ourselves, our own vibration.
Have you ever met an individual whom you felt instantly drawn to? Perhaps this person became a good friend whom you just liked being around. Did you ever wonder why you were so attracted to that person? Chances are they did not have that effect on everyone they met, although there are such magnetic people in the world. It is likely there was something else at work in that invisible attraction.
Modern physics and ancient wisdom have taught us that the universe is made of tiny particles in the ocean of space. These dancing particles are in constant motion. Motion can be thought of as vibration, as oscillation. Our cells, and the smaller particles that make up our being, vibrate constantly. Vibration can be measured in terms of frequency, which we may think of as the size and speed of a vibration. Our internal systems vibrate at certain frequencies which scientists are beginning to measure. Technologies like ultrasound work because different types of tissues vibrate at different frequencies. My dentist uses sound to blast the plaque off my teeth. Sound is regularly being used in many types of therapy to help reduce pain and speed healing. Ancient wisdom has long understood the nature of internal vibration. Traditional texts from India tell us that the universe is sound. The Old Testament says the universe started with God's word. In Australia, they sing the world into existence. In cultures around the world, sound is part of spiritual practice and everyday life.
There exists within all matter the potential for certain vibrations. In very complex organizations of matter, such as a human being, and in less complex organizations, like a singing bowl, there exists the potential for many different vibrations. In the case of a singing bowl, factors such as the composition of the alloy, age of the metal, the shape, thickness and size of the bowl will produce various frequencies and tonal qualities. In a human being, there are many types of tissues which vibrate at different frequencies. The potential for vibration is activated when an outside force in introduced and sets the vibration into motion. In other words, when a bowl is struck, it rings. In the case of a human being, we are always 'ringing' because we are always moving (think of movement not only in terms of walking around, but also the subtle movement of our heart beating, breathing, and even the activity of our nervous system).
I believe that each of us has certain unique characteristics, and therefore certain unique vibrational frequencies. Just as our voices are different, the vibrational qualities of our entire being varies slightly from one person to the next. This subtle variety of frequencies is part of our individuality. There is a lot of material on the internet about the 'correct' tone for various chakras and organs. This material is unfortunately the product of successful marketing and is largely false and arbitrary. It is the kind of easy answer that people tend to believe and also tends to be false. I believe it is impossible to say that one frequency will have the same effect on every person. It is not so simple as "F is a heart tone, B is a crown tone." It seems more likely to me that each heart will vibrate at a slightly different frequency. Perhaps this partially explains why we fall in love with one person and not another; our hearts resonate, vibrating together at a frequency which feels like beautiful music.
Likewise, my skeleton, liver, eyes, crown and other parts vibrate at slightly different frequencies than those of someone else. I have various potential frequencies within me and you have various potential frequencies that are slightly different. When I pick up certain singing bowls, one or some of my potential frequencies may be in resonance with one or some of the frequencies in that particular bowl. In other words, I may share some of the same tones with a bowl. If my tissues and the metal vibrate at the same frequency, when I play the bowl I am also playing myself. When the bowl is played it vibrates at certain frequencies which displace the air (that is the sound wave). The sound travels to me and will set into motion any material that vibrates at the same frequency. In essence, the vibration bounces off producing a slight echo and a sympathetic vibration. This physical phenomenon of resonance is occurring all the time. I work with certain bowls that vibrate with my spine and skeleton and make me feel great. On the other hand, the vibration of a bus outside rattles me and leaves me feeling very uncomfortable. Both experiences are caused by the same phenomenon: the potential vibrations within me are set off in sympathetic resonance by the external sonic event.
I can take two singing bowls which sound very similar - virtually identical - and place them on the floor very close together. When I strike one of the bowls, the other bowl will begin to sing without touching it. However, only some of the tones will sing. The frequencies that sing in the untouched bowl are the frequencies which the two bowls share. Each bowl has the potential to vibrate at many frequencies, but only common vibrations will sing through this sympathetic vibration.
Antique singing bowls produce many frequencies at once. The complex tone is delightful to hear and to feel. I believe the multiple harmonics and the sympathetic vibration they induce are the main reasons we enjoy the tone of singing bowls. Many people tell me that singing bowls sound 'almost human.' To me, that means the listener is responding to the complexity and warmth of the multiple harmonics. The human voice also produces multiple harmonics. The most pleasing voices also share some of the characteristics of a fine antique singing bowl from Himalayan Bowls: warmth, complexity, variability, freedom, multiple harmonics, and tonal balance.
Please visit for more information, videos and soundclips of fine antique singing bowls.
About the Author
Founder of and alternative healthcare provider Joseph Feinstein is a lifelong musician, performing artist, antique expert, voice teacher and movement specialist. In this article, Joseph provides insight about the use of a remarkable sound instrument: the antique singing bowl.
Featured antique bassinet Items Crystal & Silver Vase
Crystal & Silver Vase
Price: 157.00
Pulaski Brittany Corner Curio Cabinet
 Pulaski Brittany Corner Curio Cabinet. Pulaski Curio Cabinets are American made and hand-crafted with pride for over half a century. Our Precision Engineering is 3 times more precise than the industry standard. This guarantees that your Pulaski Curio Cabinet will always open and close with ease.
Price: 771.00
Marie Osmond Apple Annie Doll
Marie Osmond Apple Annie Doll. One of the highlights of summer and autumn is savoring the sweetness of fresh-picked fruit. Part of our Fruit Cups Collection, this classy young lady was sculpted by Jo Ann Pohlman, an artist who is blessed with the ability to capture the inncocence and realism of a child. She is wearing a brightly designed dress with black shoes and a handbag to match. Cherries in her hair and an apple in her hand complete the ensemble.
Price: 49.00
Nulco Columbia Wall Sconce
Nulco Columbia Wall Sconce. Finely finished solid brass. Reflects the simplicity of the colonial period of early America. Polished brass finish. Has 1 candelabra lamp-60W maximum.
Price: 83.00
Pulaski Console And Mirror
 Pulaski Console And Mirror. Create an atmosphere of luxury and elegance with this
Price: 722.00
antique bassinet in the news RocketNews discovers the most popular stories from over 60,000 news sources from around the web.
RocketNews organizes all stories into categories like sports and entertainment and into subjects making it easy for users to find and connect to the issues and stories that interest them.
Marney Rich Keenan - DetNews.comSat, 22 Mar 2008 07:33:31 GMT
Marney Rich, MI - Mar 22, 2008She graduated from bassinet, to crib to this "big girl" twin: a solid oak frame with four pineapple-shaped posts. But more than being a beautiful antique, ... |
Labels: antique cradle | infant cradle | cradles
This article on alarm clock may leave you speculating about alarm clock. Hope this speculation also leads to better understanding about alarm clock.
A Featured alarm clock ArticleSell Ornate Antique Fans on eBay
Fans date back many thousands of years but it is mainly those from the 1800s and 1900s that are most collectable today. Though many types and styles of fan appeared over the centuries it is the folding typed that can be splayed out and retracted into a compact stick shape that have proved most popular for users and collectors. Their purpose was multifold and not always for staying cool in hot climates. They were used as fashion accessories, to hide blushing and facial blemishes, for flirting and to remain anonymous in public. For us, they have just one main purpose, to fetch high prices on eBay. And they do fetch high prices, especially the most delicate types covered in lace or hand painted or craftsman carved. The more elaborate, generally speaking, the more money a fan will fetch. Most costly of all are fans encrusted with jewels and precious metals as well as some Art Deco and Art Nouveau types by popular artists during the 1920s and 1930s. Lace fans represent a popular collectible in their own right especially early hand-woven silk lace filigree types. Lace fans, being easily torn and quick to fade, fetch a high premium in good condition. Silk lace was very rarely used and being so delicate few silk lace fans survived the decades unscathed by use or exposure to sunlight and dampness. Those that have survived in good condition are extremely collectable, very rare and incredibly expensive. In recent weeks some high prices have been raised on eBay for fans I swear are similar to many I've seen selling for just a few pounds in local auction. On eBay, an antique French Lace and Mother of Pearl fan with box recently fetched ?180; a folding paper fan with an advertisement for 'Parfum Pommeia' made ?75, and several late Victorian fans made from paper and hand painted with butterflies and flowers raised over ?50 each. Tips * Fans often attract heavy bidding, not because they are beautiful or collectable, but because they interest people with widely different collecting tastes. Some people want fans, per se; others collect the theme depicted on fans, such as dogs, Japanese art; some buy for the materials used especially fancy feathers and fabulous lace. * So when you're selling, remember always to study possible collecting themes associated with each item and consider listing in two eBay categories: vintage fans under (usually) Collectables > Vanity / Perfume / Grooming > Other Vanity / Grooming, and whatever sub-category attracts the alternative collector. I have though seen fans, especially modern types, listed alongside clothing and accessories, and older fans with advertising or dog paintings listed under Collectibles > Advertising and Collectibles > Animals > Dogs > Breed, respectively. * Look for quality fans created on delicate hand-carved structures made from bamboo and finely carved wood (sometimes ivory and horn), embellished with hand painted paper and silk or impacted with fine jewels and gold leaf. * The earliest fans were hand-woven in bobbin and needlelace style often from silk and these are the rarest and most desirable of all collectable fans, also the most expensive. * Condition is vitally important to price of fans and because they were meant to be used, not stored away, most fans either got broken or discarded when they fell out of fashion. Heat and strong sunlight are the worst enemies of these delicate items, and both cause colours to fade and lace or paper to disintegrate and grow mouldy. * Fans should be stored in acid-free boxes, placed flat and fully opened, with padding below the bottom fan and more padding with acid-free tissue paper between fans placed on top. * Never attempt to clean fans with erasers or water, most are extremely fragile and you may cause them to disintegrate. * Fans should not be opened and framed. Stretching causes stress that tugs at the folds and can cause splitting. Glass covering might keep out the dust, but it also leads to foxing and sweating which destroys and fades delicate fabric on folds and elsewhere, and eventually causes delicate materials to fall away from the fan's basic structure. Avril Harper is a business writer and eBay PowerSeller who has produced several guides to making money from eBay, including MAKE MONEY TEARING UP OLD BOOKS AND MAGAZINES AND SELLING THEM ON EBAY which you can read about at: 103 POWERSELLER TIPS can be downloaded with other freely distributable reports and eBooks at | |
alarm clock Products we recommendNulco Marie Antoinette 8 Light Chandelier
Nulco Marie Antoinette 8 Light Chandelier. This adaption of an original Austro-Czech design remains a perennial favorite among fine crystal chandeliers. We designed an all glass chandelier, using crystal arms lined with polished nickel plate to increase light refraction. Heavy cut French pendalogues further enhance light radiance. Includes real hand-dipped beeswax candlesleeves. Each body dish, column and bobeche is individually hand-cut and polished on a wood wheel. Crystal is traditional, hand-cut wood-polished by hand. Full European dressing. Has 8 Lamps.
Price: 2932.00
Scenery Tapestry
Scenery Tapestry. Created by skilled designers, this beautiful tapestry was jacquard-woven in the mills of Europe, utilizing decades of experience from the world's finest weavers. It combines high quality, exceptional value, and long-lasting satisfaction. Comes with hooks for easy hanging. Tassels and finials not included.
Price: 489.00
Aboeba Picture Frame
Aboeba Picture Frame
Price: 39.00
Pulaski Preference Half Round Curio Cabinet
Pulaski Preference Half Round Curio Cabinet. Pulaski Curio Cabinets are American made and hand-crafted with pride for over half a century. Our Precision Engineering is 3 times more precise than the industry standard. This guarantees that your Pulaski Curio Cabinet will always open and close with ease.
Price: 586.00
Candelabra And Clock Ensemble
Candelabra And Clock Ensemble. Warmth and comfort, sophistication and style are reflected and inspired by candlelight. It creates The ambience for any occasion. This ensemble is inspired by the original model, which dates back to the 18th century. Designed in exquisite detail. Shown in Antique Finish.
Price: 555.00
Current alarm clock NewsShower Mirror Doubles as Hidden CameraTue, 14 Nov 2006 10:52:33 GMT
… alarm clock, but for straight out perving, it goes straight to the point. It's selling for $279 bucks. Shower Mirror Security Camera via The Red Ferret Journal] …
GENIUS OF FAWLTY TOWERS - The CornishmanSat, 19 Apr 2008 10:24:51 GMT
GENIUS OF FAWLTY TOWERSThe Cornishman, UK - 15 hours agoMr Sinclair even placed one of the guests' suitcases behind a wall in the garden after suspecting it contained a bomb when he heard a ticking alarm clock. ... |
Nope, you weren't dreamingSat, 19 Apr 2008 15:33:29 GMT
A massive rock formation 7 miles below West Salem, Ill., moved just an inch or so at 4:36 a.m. Friday, but that was enough to cause the 5.2 magnitude earthquake that broke windows and cracked walls near the ...
So what is your verdict on this composition on decorative venetian mirrors? Are there anymore unanswered questions about decorative venetian mirrors in your mind?
A decorative venetian mirrors Artilce for Your ViewingTaking Care Of Antique Furniture
A ntique furniture requires a certain amount of care and maintenance to keep it from harm and deterioration.
Knowing how to care for your antique furniture properly will protect your investment and keep your antiques looking their best for years to come. There are three aspects to properly caring for your antiques proper cleaning, proper protection, and maintaining a proper environment.
Never use chemicals to clean your antiques. They can damage the finish. Dusting should be a part of every cleaning regimen.
Furniture should be dusted frequently to avoid dust build up. Dust can be harmful to your antique furniture. Always use a soft cloth that will not harm or scratch the surface of your furniture.
Avoid the use of polishes that keep dust away some of the chemicals can cause a weakening of your antique's finish.
Proper protection includes where you put your antique. Is it in a place where people will knock into it frequently? Is it in direct sunlight? These situations put your antique at risk of damage.
Be sure to treat your antique with the appropriate wood oil to maintain its luster and keep the wood from drying out. When the wood dries, it can cause cracking or separation, as well as weaken the piece.
Putting your antique somewhere you can enjoy it as well as keep it away from high traffic areas is preferable. One of the most important aspects of caring for your antique furniture is maintaining the right environment. The proper environment should be neither too dry nor too damp.
The first step is to make sure your furniture is not located right next to a radiator or heat source. Houses with central heating can easily become too arid. If your air is only 25-30% moisture, you're close to the moisture level of the Sahara Desert.
Didn't know that, did you? You may want to consider a humidifier. It will help you as well as your furniture. Humidifiers can be discreetly placed in the room in a variety of ways.
A special cabinet with a screened front may work, or if you like plants, it can be placed behind several pots. The plants will appreciate the added humidity anyway. If your home is kept at approximately 70 degrees F, you will want to aim for around 50% humidity to safeguard your antique furniture.
There are several types of humidifiers on the market; you'll want to select one appropriate for the size of your room. They also come with automatic shut off controls in case you forget to refill the water basin. Some humidifiers create a light steam.
This is a sterile form of humidity, and should be easy to use. The steam is visible and this model should be easy to clean.
If you prefer a cool form of humidity, you will want to choose one that distributes the humidity by a fan. A model like this will produce a little noise from the operation of the fan motor, unlike the silent steam model. You'll need to change filters as needed.
Ultrasonic humidifiers create a fine visible mist. There will be a low noise and you may find white chalky deposits on nearby surfaces after a period of use. You must use soft or distilled water with this variety.
Article Tags: antique, furniture, proper
decorative venetian mirrors Items For Viewing Genuine Leather Shoe Shine Kit
Genuine Leather Shoe Shine Kit. Facile framed leather shoe shine kit. Put your best foot forward.
Price: 34.00
Bulova Versailles Mantel Chimes Clock
Add to the dcor of any setting with this mantel clock, reminiscent of Old World elegance.
Price: 205.00
Loricron Quartz Chime Elegant Deep Cherry Wall Clock
Quartz Chime Elegant Deep Cherry Wall Clock By Loricron. Accurate German Quartz Battery Movement,4/4 Westminster with ''True Sound'' Chime & Strike, Night Shutoff Option, Volume Control, Deep Cherry Finish, Filigree Crown, angled scroll columns
Price: 251.00
Willow Lane Collection Porcelain Dolls
A trio of pretty country lasses dressed in their Sunday best, are ready for a stroll through town. Beautifully fashioned with long tresses, calico dresses and matching hats.
Price: 50.00
Sutton Mantel Fireplace
A lifelike fireplace and a mantel with intricately shaped top and bottom mouldings that will give your room a unique look and heat it too!
Price: 1369.00
News about decorative venetian mirrors Art Bulletin, The - Portal of empire and wealth: Jacopo Sansovino's entrance to the Venetian mint
Wed, 01 Sep 2004 07:00:00 GMT
September 1, 2004 -- The Venetian Zecca, or mint, boasts an impressive portal (Fig. 1). Two overlife-size herms of bearded, bare-chested, muscular men--almost mirror...
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:42:59 GMT
Art Prints at Art .com High Quality Art Prints for Sale. Thousands of Framing Options.
The Cooper-Hewitt Celebrates Rococo - Village Voice
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 22:55:37 GMT
Tags: demilune chests | vanity tables | kids piano | grandfather clock kitsLabels: antique baby cradle, antique cradles, clock logo wall, kolcraft bassinet sheets
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